dukematthew2000: What is around the bend?
dukematthew2000: Röttle house 1
dukematthew2000: Röttle house 2 - still all red
dukematthew2000: Röttle house 3 - still all red
dukematthew2000: The old mill, I think, in Röttle
dukematthew2000: Water power
dukematthew2000: Röttle house 4 - still red
dukematthew2000: Röttle stream for the mill
dukematthew2000: Röttle house 5 - still all red
dukematthew2000: Röttle house/shed 6 - yes every house in town was red
dukematthew2000: The other side of the bridge
dukematthew2000: Hidden dreams
dukematthew2000: The troll tree