Engineering World Health: Adam & BMETs ECG Kit (Duckworth) - Rwanda
Engineering World Health: After-School Hang-Out Week 2 TCDC
Engineering World Health: Alex helping a group with a lab - Tanzania
Engineering World Health: Alex teaching - Nicaragua
Engineering World Health: Alex-CA-Ron giving Friz and Derek soldering tips
Engineering World Health: Alvin and Mason using their NI myDAQ to measure resistance
Engineering World Health: Amy and Lauren with their flashlight (lab)
Engineering World Health: Amy, Laura, & Lindsay Learn Spanish - Guatemala
Engineering World Health: Anastasia & her host mom Joselyne touring the grounds of IPRC in Kigali
Engineering World Health: And so it begins. First class of EWH cambodia - Zhe
Engineering World Health: Andy and Casey cooporating with two local BMET students building the ECG Simulator kit
Engineering World Health: Ash teaching outside, at TCDC
Engineering World Health: Becca & Daisha Learn Spanish - Guatemala
Engineering World Health: Ben explaining the oxygen concentrators (Melanie)
Engineering World Health: Ben showing the students how to disassemble an incubator
Engineering World Health: Biomedical Instrumentation class lecture by Dr. Gerard Cote
Engineering World Health: BMET at Kanombe showing how they calibrate there new ventilators
Engineering World Health: Braden and Ryan - Lab - Tanzania
Engineering World Health: Brian, Jesse, and Pierce looking at an ESU - Rwanda
Engineering World Health: Brittany in Lab - Nicaragua
Engineering World Health: Building a power supply
Engineering World Health: Chas Soldering
Engineering World Health: Circuit Diagram for a power supply
Engineering World Health: Class - Jon Month 1 - Nicaragua
Engineering World Health: Class in Rwanda 2013
Engineering World Health: Classroom - TCDC
Engineering World Health: Classroom at IPRC
Engineering World Health: Completed Extension Cord - Sita & Bianca
Engineering World Health: Conducting mock interviews of each other(Oj, Lusia and Inka) - Cambodia
Engineering World Health: Different groups working on their various projects - Tanzania