Engineering World Health: Aerial view of Dhulikhel hospital
Engineering World Health: Ashley working
Engineering World Health: Ashley, Tiffany, & Sindora at cafeteria lunch
Engineering World Health: B.P. Koirala Memorial Cancer Hospital
Engineering World Health: Bharatpur Hospital equipment
Engineering World Health: Bharatpur Hospital Maintenance Team - Bob
Engineering World Health: Bharatpur Hospital Workshop
Engineering World Health: Biomedical Engineering Section
Engineering World Health: Blessed Stephanie
Engineering World Health: Boats in Pokhara
Engineering World Health: Bob working at Bharatpur Hospital
Engineering World Health: Box of equipment at Bharatpur Hospital
Engineering World Health: Brad Fixing Infant Warmer
Engineering World Health: Brad, Yitaek, Joe, Sameen, Jen Reece and Guide
Engineering World Health: Brad, Yitech, Sindora
Engineering World Health: Broken Ultrasound
Engineering World Health: David talking with hospital staff
Engineering World Health: Dhulikhel Workshop
Engineering World Health: Diagnostic audiometer at Bharatpur
Engineering World Health: Earthquake damage
Engineering World Health: Equipment Yard
Engineering World Health: ESU Test with Soap
Engineering World Health: Group on Govinda's Rooftop
Engineering World Health: Group walking up the endless stairs