Engineering World Health: Central America Group Photo
Engineering World Health: Time for Lecture
Engineering World Health: Jordan and Daniel in lab
Engineering World Health: Rob helping the students out in lab
Engineering World Health: Everyone's favorite Spanish teacher celebrating her birthday with participants
Engineering World Health: Kristen and Katherine practicing soldering
Engineering World Health: Spanish Class at ALE in Costa Rica
Engineering World Health: Lindsay at her hospital in Chinandega, Nicaragua
Engineering World Health: Neel repaing an Electrosurgery Unit in Chinandega, Nicaragua
Engineering World Health: Daniel in the workshop at Hospital Santiago in Jinotepe, Nicaragua
Engineering World Health: Stephanie installing a bililight at a Nicaraguan Hospital
Engineering World Health: Neel working with his technician on a repair in Chinandega, Nicaragua
Engineering World Health: Mhoire testing a Defibrillator Battery at Hospital San Jose in Diriamba, Nicaragua
Engineering World Health: Kristen working on an educational poster to display Hospital Regional Atlantida
Engineering World Health: Meha taking hospital equipment inventory
Engineering World Health: Meha and Ashley repairing an infant incubator in La Ceiba, Honduras
Engineering World Health: Amanda working on an x-ray machine with her technician
Engineering World Health: TjenSin testing an ECG machine he repaired at the Public Hospital of Roatan