Dufresne07: Stark Family
Dufresne07: Ned, Robb, and Catelyn
Dufresne07: Jon and Arya
Dufresne07: Sansa, Bran, Hodor, and Rickon
Dufresne07: Daenerys and Friends
Dufresne07: Daenerys, Jorah, and Drogo
Dufresne07: Arstan and Illyrio
Dufresne07: Melisandre, Davos, and Sallador
Dufresne07: Littlefinger, Pycelle, and Varys
Dufresne07: Brienne and Jeor
Dufresne07: Sandor and Gregor Clegane
Dufresne07: Stannis, Robert, and Renly
Dufresne07: Lannister Family
Dufresne07: Jaime, Cersei, and Tyrion
Dufresne07: Tywin and Joffrey
Dufresne07: George R. R. Martin
Dufresne07: Shagga and the Greatjon
Dufresne07: Victarion, Theon, and Asha
Dufresne07: Grey Worm and Moqorro
Dufresne07: Penny, Pretty, and Crunch
Dufresne07: Sandor and Gregor Clegane
Dufresne07: King Joffrey Baratheon