Dufferroy: Water buck
Dufferroy: Tiger, tiger burning bright...
Dufferroy: Tiger Patrolling
Dufferroy: Peek-a-Bo!
Dufferroy: Amur Leopard
Dufferroy: Magellan Goose
Dufferroy: Capybara & young
Dufferroy: snow leopard & cubs
Dufferroy: Snow leopard & cubs
Dufferroy: Red-ruffed Lemur
Dufferroy: Ring-tailed Lemur
Dufferroy: Rainbow chameleon
Dufferroy: Red Panda sans tail
Dufferroy: Not that way!
Dufferroy: Snow Leopard
Dufferroy: Kookaburra
Dufferroy: Capybara
Dufferroy: Grey kangaroo
Dufferroy: Baby tapir
Dufferroy: Brazillian Tapir
Dufferroy: Drying off
Dufferroy: Two lemurs?
Dufferroy: Lone lemur in the rain
Dufferroy: Marwell Manor
Dufferroy: Push-me Pull-you fail
Dufferroy: Stone owl
Dufferroy: Not this way, then
Dufferroy: No, I didn't fall off
Dufferroy: Fossa
Dufferroy: Chillin'