DufferLong: Mesmerizing!
DufferLong: Austin
DufferLong: Falling in Love
DufferLong: Faces of Cái Bè
DufferLong: Kiss the Fruit
DufferLong: Apprehensive
DufferLong: Young Cái Bè Man
DufferLong: The Ferry Man
DufferLong: Clash
DufferLong: Beaming Bride
DufferLong: Happy New Year
DufferLong: Nina in Black and White
DufferLong: Trang Anh
DufferLong: Hương Anh
DufferLong: Portrait of a Lottery Peddler
DufferLong: Elated
DufferLong: Portrait of a Cambodian
DufferLong: Portrait of a Young Cambodian
DufferLong: Innocent Look
DufferLong: The Incense Vendor
DufferLong: Kevin German
DufferLong: Bear of a Man
DufferLong: Portrait of a Photographer
DufferLong: Happiness is Being with the Ones You Love
DufferLong: Friendly Disposition
DufferLong: Faraway Eyes
DufferLong: The Accidental Model
DufferLong: Modeling for VinaPix