Ducky41: David Berg and Bob Bauer
Ducky41: David Berg - Pledge of Allegiance by Hawke Asher
Ducky41: Bob Bauer - Forrest-Gunderson-Klevgard Post Flag
Ducky41: Chaplin Duane Gray, Sgt. Troy Miller, MC - LeAnne Loesel
Ducky41: Chaplin Duane Gray Leading Opening Prayer
Ducky41: Gilmanton Chorus - "There Is Sweet Music" - Blake Seitz, Director
Ducky41: Judy Winsand, Pianist
Ducky41: Macie Coppage - "A Soldier Known But to God"
Ducky41: Kelly Reidt - To Honor Verterans of War
Ducky41: Ashley Weiss - Welcome to Community
Ducky41: LeAnne Loesel Presenting Speaker
Ducky41: Sgt Troy Miller Speaking to the Community
Ducky41: Sgt. Troy Miller
Ducky41: Sgt. Troy Miller at Gilmanton High School
Ducky41: Sgt. Troy Miller Giving Urgent Message
Ducky41: Gilmanton High School Band
Ducky41: Gilmanton High School Band
Ducky41: Armistice Day at Gilmanton - National Anthem
Ducky41: Gilmanton Band Playing "Prestissimo"
Ducky41: Closing of Armistice Ceremony
Ducky41: Sgt. Miller with His Parents
Ducky41: Armistice Day at Gilmanton23
Ducky41: American Legion Hall - Post 265
Ducky41: American Legion Hall - Post 264
Ducky41: Those serving in 2011
Ducky41: Poppy Wall - 2
Ducky41: Poppy Wall - 1
Ducky41: Poppy Wall - 3
Ducky41: Contacts for Poppy Wall
Ducky41: American Legion Hall