Jhascrapmom: First day of #augustbreak2014 #firstgreensmoothie #mo365 #needsbanana
Jhascrapmom: Some serious tag/hide and seek going on here..../ @holly_bloomfield_ @theahough
Jhascrapmom: Last official game of the year #augustbreak2014 #u6 #soccer
Jhascrapmom: Summer days #augustbreak2014
Jhascrapmom: Holly + Dania ( the ukelele is named in honour of her uke bestie ) #augustbreak2014 / @hollybloomy @holly_bloomfield_
Jhascrapmom: Sick day #augustbreak2014
Jhascrapmom: Who's got the cookie? #me #augustbreak2014
Jhascrapmom: Guess I am not getting a new one;) #plumbersrock #augustbreak2013 #markisoffthehook / @bloomy999
Jhascrapmom: This about sums it up #augustbreak2014
Jhascrapmom: Pool #augustbreak2014
Jhascrapmom: Pool time. #augustbreak2014
Jhascrapmom: #augustbreak2014
Jhascrapmom: #augustbreak2014
Jhascrapmom: #augustbreak2014
Jhascrapmom: We are ignoring the rain, the cold and the double ear infection. Well , until it starts pouring. Which looks like any minute. Damn. #augustbreak2014
Jhascrapmom: Rainy night. Wine. #augustbreak2014
Jhascrapmom: End of summer? I refuse to acknowledge it. #augustbreak2014
Jhascrapmom: Driveway cheese:). Yum:). #augustbreak2014
Jhascrapmom: Big night. So proud of her. #augustbreak2014
Jhascrapmom: And for the fourth ice time in 24 hours...#augustbreak2014 #mommaishockeyedout #kinda #kindanot
Jhascrapmom: My missing august21 of #augustbreak2014. Busy taking photos, forgot to post one.
Jhascrapmom: Best time w @dkeveryday! #outstandinginthefield #petesgreens #vermont #summergimlet #augustbreak2014
Jhascrapmom: My Saturday morning was pretty awesome #trappfamilylodge #vermont #coffee #sigh #thehillsarealivewithsunshine #augustbreak2014
Jhascrapmom: Last soccer of 2014 #u6 #bulldogs #lakeshore #soccer #augustbreak2014
Jhascrapmom: My gardening partner, pixie ( yes! Her real name!) and a renewed school garden:). #augustbreak2014
Jhascrapmom: My book club rules:) #horseschickenssheeppigs #andbooks #augustbreak2014 / @dkeveryday
Jhascrapmom: Last minute summering on the mountain w Alex. He threw up 20 minutes later all over the truck. Also the day I made holly late for her first day of school. Banner day. #augustbreak2014
Jhascrapmom: Worst day of #augustbreak2014...stung by 5 wasps.
Jhascrapmom: Last regular summer day of 2014. And the day before turning 6. #augustbreak2014
Jhascrapmom: Finally. Summer as I imagined it. #augustbreak2014