Jhascrapmom: benched
Jhascrapmom: last freezie of the season...
Jhascrapmom: alex+ben
Jhascrapmom: IMG_4184-3
Jhascrapmom: i got to throw them as well
Jhascrapmom: IMG_4169
Jhascrapmom: crumpled
Jhascrapmom: soon to be on my driveway
Jhascrapmom: trying to see his breath
Jhascrapmom: skates
Jhascrapmom: running wild in black and white
Jhascrapmom: running wild in the street
Jhascrapmom: eve + alex
Jhascrapmom: cousins + omi
Jhascrapmom: miss eve
Jhascrapmom: elliot
Jhascrapmom: goodbyes
Jhascrapmom: thanksgiving
Jhascrapmom: the evil heron triumphed