Jhascrapmom: thinking that there is an awful lot of baby kissing going on here
Jhascrapmom: A Breaking Into Parts
Jhascrapmom: Slowly Slipping Out of the Picture
Jhascrapmom: 144/365 - Of all the animals, the boy is the most unmanageable
Jhascrapmom: Distraction
Jhascrapmom: No more words, you're telling me you love me while you're looking away...
Jhascrapmom: Thursday Morning
Jhascrapmom: W is for WINNER!??
Jhascrapmom: 181/365 - "If you want to lift yourself up, lift up someone else" - Booker T Washington
Jhascrapmom: Tea Party, Anyone?
Jhascrapmom: There has never been a day when I have not been proud of you, I said to my daughter, though some days I'm louder about other stuff so it's easy to miss that.
Jhascrapmom: "looking for a slinky black dress for later on which is how you can tell this is a fairy princess with an edge"
Jhascrapmom: Driveway Ballerina
Jhascrapmom: 225/365 - so lucky
Jhascrapmom: 228/365 - B is for Bored
Jhascrapmom: she then turned, laughed, and left.
Jhascrapmom: i thought we had more time
Jhascrapmom: 252/365 - ohmygodilovethisage
Jhascrapmom: Ya Missed Me, Eh?
Jhascrapmom: Have Baby Will Travel
Jhascrapmom: I Know This Much is True
Jhascrapmom: 274/365 - i am no mary poppins
Jhascrapmom: Baby Jump
Jhascrapmom: I have a serious love affair with candy.
Jhascrapmom: I don't know how long I can do this, he said. I think the universe has different plans for me & we sat there in silence & I thought to myself that this is the thing we all come to & this is the thing we all fight...
Jhascrapmom: Shawna took this on Sunday
Jhascrapmom: Last Day in London DHB
Jhascrapmom: I love Paris