2WheelTravlr: Entering Burke Idaho
2WheelTravlr: "Downtown" Burke Idaho
2WheelTravlr: Imagine constructing this retaining wall back in the late 1800's, amazing.
2WheelTravlr: Burke Idaho
2WheelTravlr: Mike surveys Burke
2WheelTravlr: Winter's wrath drags even the largest structures to the ground. Hope it waits until I'm past to finish the job
2WheelTravlr: No parking, because, you know, someone might want to get into their garage
2WheelTravlr: Heckla mine offices
2WheelTravlr: Heckla mine offices
2WheelTravlr: Heckla mine offices
2WheelTravlr: Burke Idaho
2WheelTravlr: Lightning pole or flag standard still stands tall way above the valley floor
2WheelTravlr: Heckla mine buildings loom nightmarish over the tiny valley of Burke
2WheelTravlr: Old and a little sinister, the Heckla mine buildings brood about better times
2WheelTravlr: Dwarfed by history
2WheelTravlr: Mine building, Burke Idaho
2WheelTravlr: Less than 100 years old, the hills of Burke push industry downhill as train railings tilt and wooden pipes are exposed
2WheelTravlr: Old iron fittings and nails
2WheelTravlr: Train entrance to Heckla mill, Burke Idaho
2WheelTravlr: Multi-storeyed monolith blots out the sun but reflects a litte blue in what's left of its window glass
2WheelTravlr: Heckla Mine buildings, Burke Idaho
2WheelTravlr: Heckla Mines, Burke Idaho
2WheelTravlr: What remains of the Frisco Mill
2WheelTravlr: Yea, another state added to our weekend count (total, 4)
2WheelTravlr: Wide-open Montana skies
2WheelTravlr: Cute victorian in Corvallis Idaho
2WheelTravlr: White gravel drive and huge sugar maples line the formal drive
2WheelTravlr: White gravel drive and huge sugar maples line the formal drive
2WheelTravlr: Shade and sun on the Daly estate
2WheelTravlr: Back lawn, Daly Mansion, looking towards the Bitterroot mountains