2WheelTravlr: Lincoln Town Car and Holiday Inn - must be a mom trip!
2WheelTravlr: Mom's grade school - 1st through 4th
2WheelTravlr: Field Museum
2WheelTravlr: Field musuem main entrance
2WheelTravlr: Field museum's beautiful atrium ceiling
2WheelTravlr: My Mummy checks out a Mummy, or something like that.
2WheelTravlr: Eternal sleep
2WheelTravlr: Egyptian Book of the Dead
2WheelTravlr: Death Mask
2WheelTravlr: Lion bonze
2WheelTravlr: Sue keeps an eye on the tourists
2WheelTravlr: Mom and Me
2WheelTravlr: Field museum arches towards infinity
2WheelTravlr: Cool Bird/Rabbit totem thingy
2WheelTravlr: Ice age bear, imposing even without skin and muscle
2WheelTravlr: Tusky inhabitant of the Field Museum
2WheelTravlr: Mom and Me and Sue
2WheelTravlr: Nice, er heads.
2WheelTravlr: Aztec totem or robot mechanic?
2WheelTravlr: Aztec totem at the Field Museum
2WheelTravlr: Mom at the Field Museum
2WheelTravlr: Field Museum
2WheelTravlr: Foggy afternoon in Chicago
2WheelTravlr: Aunt Jeanne
2WheelTravlr: Momence Illinois Cemetary
2WheelTravlr: Grandma's place
2WheelTravlr: Checking out the Downers Grove museum
2WheelTravlr: Signing the guest book
2WheelTravlr: Cloud Gate Self Portrait