Oxiourus with slow internet: Hollister - circa 2000
Oxiourus with slow internet: B&W #3- Seine, Ile St Louis, Paris
Oxiourus with slow internet: B&W #4, Seine, Ile St Louis, Paris
Oxiourus with slow internet: A room with a street view
Oxiourus with slow internet: Visitor to the Mosque, Cordoba, Spain
Oxiourus with slow internet: B&W #1- Courtyard, Cordoba Spain
Oxiourus with slow internet: B&W #2- Courtyard, Cordoba Spain
Oxiourus with slow internet: Black & White Series #15
Oxiourus with slow internet: LD Self portrait #1
Oxiourus with slow internet: Windmill- black & white version
Oxiourus with slow internet: black & white series #7
Oxiourus with slow internet: black & white series #8
Oxiourus with slow internet: black & white series #13
Oxiourus with slow internet: black & white series #14
Oxiourus with slow internet: Preparing the stage for a Zoroastrian Wedding
Oxiourus with slow internet: A hotel that no one stays in... Hotel de Ville, Paris.