dub+dub: 1st dance
dub+dub: signing the register
dub+dub: the 1st dance
dub+dub: The set up
dub+dub: the wedding couple bestman and maid of honor
dub+dub: The Wren boys
dub+dub: The Wren boys hours later
dub+dub: Ainsleigh Kelly and Gabrielle
dub+dub: Chris Jeff and the guys
dub+dub: Dave Mel Wendy and Ken
dub+dub: Gabrielle Krista and Parker
dub+dub: Jeff and the girls
dub+dub: Kelly and her Dad
dub+dub: Kelly and the girls
dub+dub: Krista Parker and the girls
dub+dub: Mel and Dave
dub+dub: Signing the certificate
dub+dub: Night before the Wedding
dub+dub: The ceremony
dub+dub: The girls
dub+dub: The Married couple
dub+dub: The vows
dub+dub: the Wedding Party
dub+dub: The Wrens