Duarte JH: Bodiam
Duarte JH: Alone
Duarte JH: Retreat
Duarte JH: Winter bloom
Duarte JH: Moving totems
Duarte JH: Japanese perfection
Duarte JH: The Mall @ UBC
Duarte JH: Wreck beach
Duarte JH: Furball
Duarte JH: untitled
Duarte JH: Caged
Duarte JH: Slope
Duarte JH: Videiras
Duarte JH: Spikes
Duarte JH: Japanese garden
Duarte JH: Sentry
Duarte JH: Bell on the hill
Duarte JH: Walking stick
Duarte JH: You'll never walk alone
Duarte JH: English countryside II
Duarte JH: British countryside I
Duarte JH: Watcher
Duarte JH: The lake
Duarte JH: To read
Duarte JH: Parliament Hill
Duarte JH: Rough Edges
Duarte JH: Fracture
Duarte JH: 3 cottages