Duane from TN:
First Big Ice Seen...
Duane from TN:
Chinstrap Penguin
Duane from TN:
Sound Off
Duane from TN:
Antarctic Sunset
Duane from TN:
Invasion of Half Moon Island
Duane from TN:
Bad Weather Coming
Duane from TN:
Chinstrap Penguin Portrait
Duane from TN:
Sleepy Seal
Duane from TN:
Exploring an Iceberg Up Close
Duane from TN:
Unloading a Zodiac
Duane from TN:
Two views of the same Iceberg
Duane from TN:
Whalers Bay on Deception Island
Duane from TN:
Rusted tanks at Whalers Bay
Duane from TN:
Rusty details
Duane from TN:
More big ice...
Duane from TN:
Ice Reflections
Duane from TN:
Fallen Ice
Duane from TN:
What are you lookin' at?
Duane from TN:
Oh my God, it's full of icicles!
Duane from TN:
River of ice
Duane from TN:
Southern Sphinx
Duane from TN:
A break in the clouds
Duane from TN:
Duane from TN:
Iceberg Lagoon
Duane from TN:
Getting up close and personal
Duane from TN:
Seal just hanging out on the sea ice...
Duane from TN:
Chinstrap Penguin
Duane from TN:
Chinstrap Penguin
Duane from TN:
Chinstrap Penguin
Duane from TN:
Gentoo Penguin