dtsato: Dojo Retrospective Results
dtsato: Acion Items
dtsato: Giuliano (pilot) and Hugo (co-pilot) Pair-Programming
dtsato: Audience feedback on green :-)
dtsato: Julian (pilot) and Giuliano (co-pilot) Pair Programming
dtsato: Mariana (pilot) and Julian (co-pilot) Pair Programming
dtsato: Guilherme (pilot) and Mariana (co-pilot) Pair Programming
dtsato: Python Code
dtsato: RBP (pilot) and Guilherme (co-pilot) Pair Programming
dtsato: Moderating the Retrospective
dtsato: Food for the "Dojers"
dtsato: Dojo 25/Jul/07 - Danilo (pilot) and RBP (co-pilot) Programming