Jasper's Human:
Ready for action
Jasper's Human:
28/52 Inside Games
Jasper's Human:
29/52 Caught with his paw in the cookie jar!
Jasper's Human:
31/52 Furry Faced Blue Merle Boys
From Scruffy To Dapper...
Jasper's Human:
The Emperor
Happy Birthday, Lux
Petr Vorobyev:
The Look
Fabricio Corsi Arias:
Besourinho-de-bico-vermelho (Chlorostilbon lucidus)
Russen Images:
Kevin Girouard:
Buteo jamaicensis
Bryan Hix | www.byrdnerd.com:
The Attack (Cooper's Hawk)-Wild Action, not a setup
Mona's photo's:
Jasper's Human:
Hummingbirds in our backyard (video)
Birgitta Sjostedt:
Single one
Jasper's Human:
Mama's Boy 35/52
Jasper's Human:
Hey Dad! What are you doing behind the tree?
Jasper's Human:
Hiding in the Reeds
Jasper's Human:
Pecking Order
Nuno Xavier Moreira:
Borboleta Cauda-de-andorinha, Old World Swallowtail (Papilio machaon)
Jasper's Human:
Sibling Rivalry
Nuno Xavier Moreira:
Mocho-galego, Little Owl (Athene noctua)