Doha Film Institute: DTFF producer Waheed checks out the last shot of the day
Doha Film Institute: Terry races across rooftops
Doha Film Institute: Stuntmen Dean Alexandrou prepares to leap from one building to the next
Doha Film Institute: Dean looks through the lens
Doha Film Institute: Dean falls from the rooftop
Doha Film Institute: Terry knocks Dean off the roof
Doha Film Institute: Dean and Terry prepare for the fall
Doha Film Institute: Dean stretches to prepare for the scene
Doha Film Institute: Selina Lo, who Dean and Terry are pursuing, looks down upon Doha
Doha Film Institute: DTFF cameraman Tom Hines captures the action
Doha Film Institute: Dean (in black) fights bad guy Terry
Doha Film Institute: Dean leaps high above Souq Waqif