d.teil: Sigurd Lewerentz @ Malmö Opera (1933-1944)
d.teil: Sigurd Lewerentz @ S:ta Birgittas Kapell, Malmö (1916)
d.teil: Sigurd Lewerentz @ S:ta Gertruds and S:t Knuts Kapell , Malmö (1935-1943)
d.teil: Sigurd Lewerentz @ S.ta Gertruds and S.t Knuts Kapell (1935-1943)
d.teil: Sigurd Lewerentz @ S.ta Gertruds and S.t Knuts Kapell (1935-1943)
d.teil: Sigurd Lewerentz @ the cementary of Malmö
d.teil: Sigurd Lewerentz @ the cementary Tower of Malmö - Detail
d.teil: Sigurd Lewerentz @ the cementary Tower of Malmö