LaughingStarfish/dstroy: birthday party at a gymnasium
LaughingStarfish/dstroy: birthday party at a gymnasium
LaughingStarfish/dstroy: it only took her like 40 blows to get the candles out, and then the big cough finally did it!
LaughingStarfish/dstroy: the second pinata is a funny homemade contraption
LaughingStarfish/dstroy: he delivers the final blow!
LaughingStarfish/dstroy: with her pinata loot
LaughingStarfish/dstroy: And then everyone starts yelling MORDE MORDE
LaughingStarfish/dstroy: !! Apparently it's a custom to mash the birthday kid's face into the cake!!
LaughingStarfish/dstroy: !! Apparently it's a custom to mash the birthday kid's face into the cake!!
LaughingStarfish/dstroy: younger cousin had birthday today too!
LaughingStarfish/dstroy: younger cousin had birthday today too!