stretts88: St. Fin Barre's sign
stretts88: St. Fin Barre's
stretts88: Explanation of sculputres
stretts88: The Wise Virgins
stretts88: The Foolish Virgins
stretts88: The man in the middle
stretts88: Mini church
stretts88: Above the door
stretts88: Cathedral walls
stretts88: wall of the cathedral
stretts88: Wall decoration
stretts88: Pulpit
stretts88: Ornate lectern
stretts88: Greg checkin out the organ
stretts88: Organ innards
stretts88: Stained-glass windows
stretts88: Brick ceiling
stretts88: Mosaic flooring
stretts88: Ceiling
stretts88: Altar
stretts88: Rock lobster!
stretts88: Cathedral windows
stretts88: Cannonball!
stretts88: Sign about the cannonball
stretts88: Greg's capturing the chickens
stretts88: St. Fin Barre's
stretts88: Book of WWI Solders
stretts88: St. Fin Barr's Cathedral
stretts88: Greg in the yard
stretts88: Gravestone