stretts88: Avery
stretts88: Ann practicing, with Zoe and Cheryl
stretts88: Shirleigh and her mandolin
stretts88: Shannon
stretts88: Cheryl and her tipper
stretts88: Cheryl
stretts88: Shirleigh and Edith practicing
stretts88: Smiley Shannon
stretts88: Pouty Shannon
stretts88: Catherine
stretts88: Catherine
stretts88: Shirleigh, Edith and Ann
stretts88: Shirleigh, Edith and Ann
stretts88: Edith playing the wistle
stretts88: Aaron
stretts88: Catherine
stretts88: IMG_0429.JPG
stretts88: Awww, kissy kissy
stretts88: In the Dark Garden window at Dickens Fair
stretts88: Me & Nicole in the window
stretts88: In the Dark Garden window
stretts88: Measuring me
stretts88: In the window
stretts88: Holding my pretty fan
stretts88: My now-tiny waist
stretts88: Measuring
stretts88: What to do...
stretts88: Pondering
stretts88: Waists
stretts88: Think, think, think