stretts88: Laughing Sal
stretts88: Mike meets Laughing Sal
stretts88: The Story of Laughing Sal
stretts88: What's a taxi dancer?
stretts88: Gents and Ladies apparently have different career paths
stretts88: What will your future career be?
stretts88: Mike playing hockey
stretts88: A more ordinary hockey game
stretts88: Career counselling
stretts88: Saloon
stretts88: Saloon
stretts88: Dancing
stretts88: Dancing
stretts88: The Mouth of Truth
stretts88: Test your love
stretts88: Fairies or something
stretts88: Mouth of Truth results
stretts88: The Mouth of Truth results
stretts88: The Bull!
stretts88: Rock 'em sock 'em robots
stretts88: I'm ready to kick some arm wrestling ass!
stretts88: I'm trying!
stretts88: I got beat!
stretts88: Dancing
stretts88: Player piano with drums
stretts88: The Opium Den & Mike
stretts88: Scene at the opium den
stretts88: Scene at the opium den
stretts88: Opium Den
stretts88: Mike listens Regina music player