ristardi: Thrice the brinded cat hath mewed
ristardi: Double, double, toil and trouble
ristardi: Harpier cries. 'Tis time, 'tis time
ristardi: Thrice, and once the hedgepig whined
ristardi: Be bloody, bold and resolute
ristardi: Be lion-mettled, proud, and take no care
ristardi: Come, sisters, cheer we up his sprites
ristardi: Tomorrow, and tomorrow, and tomorrow
ristardi: The Queen, my lord, is dead
ristardi: We have scorched the snake, not killed it
ristardi: O, full of scorpions is my mind
ristardi: Scarf up the tender eye of pitiful day
ristardi: Mine eyes are made the fools o' th'other senses
ristardi: I go, and it is done.
ristardi: Avaunt, and quit my sight!
ristardi: I laid upon myself for strangers to my nature
ristardi: Bring forth men-children only!
ristardi: Didst thou not hear a noise?
ristardi: "Amen" stuck in my throat
ristardi: ..and foul is fair.
ristardi: Fair is foul...
ristardi: Here's the smell of the blood still
ristardi: All the perfumes of Arabia...
ristardi: Hell is murky
ristardi: Out, damned spot! Out I say
ristardi: When the battle's lost and won
ristardi: When the hurlyburly's done
ristardi: In thunder, lightning or in rain?
ristardi: When shall we three meet again?
ristardi: What bloody man is that?