Dick Snell: DSC03013 Cassin's Kingbird
Dick Snell: DSC03188 Redhead
Dick Snell: DSC03192 American Wigeon
Dick Snell: DSC03229 Cackling Goose with Canada Geese
Dick Snell: DSC03271 Western Bluebird
Dick Snell: DSC03302 Greater Pewee
Dick Snell: DSC03418 Allen's Hummingbird
Dick Snell: DSC03546 Ridgeway Rail
Dick Snell: DSC03746 Brant's Cormorants
Dick Snell: DSC03787 Western Gull
Dick Snell: DSC03861 Brandt's Cormorant
Dick Snell: DSC03901 Brandt's Cormorant
Dick Snell: DSC03911 Brandt's Cormorant
Dick Snell: DSC03912 Black Turnstone
Dick Snell: DSC03941 Black Turnstone and Brandt's Cormorant
Dick Snell: DSC03945 Immature Heerman's Gull
Dick Snell: DSC03949 Black Oystercatchers
Dick Snell: DSC03968 Heermann's Gull
Dick Snell: DSC04012 Black Phobe
Dick Snell: DSC04136 White-throated Sparrow
Dick Snell: DSC04178 Say's Phobe
Dick Snell: DSC04258 American Pipit
Dick Snell: DSC04283 Yellow-billed Loon
Dick Snell: DSC04321 Long-tailed Duck
Dick Snell: DSC04357 Brant
Dick Snell: DSC04560 Long-billed Curlew
Dick Snell: DSC04575 Mitred Parakeet
Dick Snell: DSC04623 Greater White fronted Goose
Dick Snell: DSC04745 Northern Pintail
Dick Snell: DSC04828 Pintailed Duck and Green-winged Teal