DSL in Jax: entrance gate
DSL in Jax: model showing layout of the Stasi Prison
DSL in Jax: inside the entrance gate
DSL in Jax: along the courtyard wall of Stasi Prison
DSL in Jax: along the wall of courtyard, beside entrance gate
DSL in Jax: courtyard
DSL in Jax: the original prison building is to the left
DSL in Jax: layout of the prison and surrounding neighborhood
DSL in Jax: entrance to original prison building
DSL in Jax: inside original prison
DSL in Jax: apartment house across from Stasi Prison
DSL in Jax: courtyard, Stasi Prison
DSL in Jax: inside a cell in the Stasi Prison original building
DSL in Jax: hallway in the original prison building
DSL in Jax: doors to cells in the original building
DSL in Jax: cell in original building
DSL in Jax: interior of cell in original building
DSL in Jax: new prison building, circa 1960
DSL in Jax: hallway in new prison building
DSL in Jax: view of cell in new prison building through food slot in door
DSL in Jax: door of cell in new prison building
DSL in Jax: hallway in new prison building
DSL in Jax: interrogator's office
DSL in Jax: surveillance system in hallway
DSL in Jax: exterior of a wing of new building
DSL in Jax: courtyard of Stasi Prison
DSL in Jax: courtyard, Stasi Prison
DSL in Jax: original building, Stasi Prison
DSL in Jax: prison wall
DSL in Jax: prison wall