Donovan Shortey: "Burning Passion" // Pow Wow Regalia / Pow Wow Images / Pow Wow PIctures / Pow Wow Photos
Donovan Shortey: "Grand Entry" // UNM-Gallup Native American Club's fall Pow Wow 2012
Donovan Shortey: "Purple Passion" // UNM-Gallup Native American Club's fall Pow Wow 2012 / Fancy Shawl Dancer / Pow Wow Regalia / Pow Wow Pictures
Donovan Shortey: "Colors of Heritage" // Pow Wow Boots / Pow Wow Shoes / Pow Wow Moccasins / Pow wow Photography / Pow Wow Regalia
Donovan Shortey: "Beyond the Horizon" // Powwow Grass Dancer / Pow wow Photography / Native American photography / American Indian Photography
Donovan Shortey: "Men's Fance Dance" // Pow wow Photography / Pow wow Photos / Pow wow Pictures / Native American Pictures