Donovan Shortey: Window Rock Scouts vs. Sanders Valley Pirates
Donovan Shortey: "Eventual Triumph" // Navajo Nation's 'Just Move It'
Donovan Shortey: "Scouts' Convocation" // Window Rock High School Fighting Scouts Football
Donovan Shortey: Lil Spurs vs. Lil Scouts
Donovan Shortey: Wááshindoon Háshinee' // Rez Ball // Window Rock Fighting Scouts Girls Basketball
Donovan Shortey: Window Rock Fighting Scouts' 2011-2012 Jr. Varsity Football Team
Donovan Shortey: "Moment of Impetus" // Window Rock High School Girls Scouts Basketball / Navajo Rezball
Donovan Shortey: Wax and Grime
Donovan Shortey: Elemental Awareness Navajo Reservation Tour // HIGH DESERT SOLITAIRE TOUR 2012