Dave Heaphy: Tara O'Sullivan Memorial Bridge crosses the American River
Dave Heaphy: Autumn magic on an afternoon walk
Dave Heaphy: Red-shouldered Hawk
Dave Heaphy: Squirrel keeping an eye out for hawks
Dave Heaphy: Red-shouldered Hawk looking for its next meal
Dave Heaphy: Lark Sparrow enjoying the warmth of a December afternoon along the American River.
Dave Heaphy: Wild Turkey
Dave Heaphy: Close encounter
Dave Heaphy: Red-shouldered Hawk
Dave Heaphy: A lion roars
Dave Heaphy: Great Egret
Dave Heaphy: Locked on target
Dave Heaphy: Delicate balance
Dave Heaphy: Dachshund puppy
Dave Heaphy: Coming and going
Dave Heaphy: A curious doe
Dave Heaphy: Tiny but feisty!
Dave Heaphy: Acorn Woodpecker
Dave Heaphy: Female Coyote pauses for a moment during the evening hunt
Dave Heaphy: I'll be back!
Dave Heaphy: American Kestrel
Dave Heaphy: Red-tailed Hawk
Dave Heaphy: Goose portrait
Dave Heaphy: Coyote with reflection
Dave Heaphy: Western Bluebird
Dave Heaphy: White-tailed Kite
Dave Heaphy: Touchdown
Dave Heaphy: Double-crested Cormorant
Dave Heaphy: White-tailed Kite
Dave Heaphy: Mallard drake