Dave Heaphy: Pipevine Swallowtail and wild radish
Dave Heaphy: A White-tailed Kite checking out the airspace along the American River Parkway
Dave Heaphy: Dragonfly at rest
Dave Heaphy: Dragonfly
Dave Heaphy: Mute Swan and Canada Geese going about their evening rituals on the American River
Dave Heaphy: A tender moment
Dave Heaphy: Stretch those wings!
Dave Heaphy: Commitment
Dave Heaphy: Coyote at sunset
Dave Heaphy: Curious mule deer buck interrupts his evening grazing routine to determine if I'm friend or foe.
Dave Heaphy: Coyote giving me the once over to see if I'm friend or foe along the American River Parkway
Dave Heaphy: California Quail
Dave Heaphy: Pie-billed Grebe preparing dinner
Dave Heaphy: Blacktail (Mule Deer) buck in the evening light along the American River Parkway in Rancho Cordova
Dave Heaphy: Canada Goose takes to the sky
Dave Heaphy: Great Blue Heron’s evening flight
Dave Heaphy: Tree Swallow’s evening flight
Dave Heaphy: Blacktail buck
Dave Heaphy: Canada Goose along the American River
Dave Heaphy: Coyote hunting along the American River Parkway
Dave Heaphy: Coyote materialized out of the star thistle during its evening hunt
Dave Heaphy: Evening encounter
Dave Heaphy: Evening shot of a Blacktail (Mule Deer) buck in velvet along the American River
Dave Heaphy: yellow
Dave Heaphy: Male coyote along the American River Parkway last night
Dave Heaphy: Coyote
Dave Heaphy: Young Coyote
Dave Heaphy: Enjoyed spending some time with several California Quail this evening
Dave Heaphy: Cottontail emerging from the shadows
Dave Heaphy: Crossing paths