Doris.SFontes: Going by train
Doris.SFontes: Going by train
Doris.SFontes: Arriving in Shigaraki train station
Doris.SFontes: Giant tanuki at the train station
Doris.SFontes: Beverage vending machine
Doris.SFontes: Pottery and tanukis everywhere
Doris.SFontes: Tanukis and owls
Doris.SFontes: Map of Shigaraki
Doris.SFontes: Wonderful flowers
Doris.SFontes: Tanukis, frogs, owls.....
Doris.SFontes: Tanukis, frogs, owls.....
Doris.SFontes: Tanukis and a dragon
Doris.SFontes: Tanukis
Doris.SFontes: Tanukis
Doris.SFontes: Frogs, owls, tanukis....
Doris.SFontes: Frogs, owls, tanukis....
Doris.SFontes: Frogs, owls, tanukis....
Doris.SFontes: Shigaraki
Doris.SFontes: Clay art
Doris.SFontes: Gardening
Doris.SFontes: Frogs, owls, tanukis....
Doris.SFontes: Typical street
Doris.SFontes: Arriving at a temple