dseaton: Mindi and the free beer they gave us when we arrived
dseaton: Sponsored by the police, this was called...
dseaton: ...the deathride, which is maybe not the best name.
dseaton: Palais de Justice
dseaton: Belgian Tank
dseaton: VW Bus Ambulance
dseaton: Antique Ambulance
dseaton: Antique Fire Truck 1
dseaton: Antique Fire Truck 2
dseaton: Helicopter of some Sort
dseaton: Ridiculously Fluorescent Ladder Truck
dseaton: Mindi Check out an Armored Vehicle of Some Kind
dseaton: Belgian Army Transport
dseaton: Kids Manning the Guns
dseaton: WWII Scout Vehicle
dseaton: Some of the Crowds
dseaton: A No-Hands Track Stand
dseaton: Wheelie 1
dseaton: Wheelie 2
dseaton: Mindi Chows Down on a Liege Waffle
dseaton: These Belgian Crowns were Everywhere
dseaton: Little Bike-Safety Training Course for the Kids
dseaton: Saxophone Band and Weird Creatures