dschie kay: walk on water
dschie kay: the old couple driving by tram
dschie kay: dog performing art
dschie kay: two little flies can be great art...or...?
dschie kay: the fascination of art
dschie kay: wonder about art
dschie kay: open minded
dschie kay: the 4 muskateers
dschie kay: feeling cologne
dschie kay: My favourite pic of 2011
dschie kay: I love Köln
dschie kay: not the same meaning
dschie kay: watching the performance
dschie kay: woman with child
dschie kay: laughter&joy
dschie kay: friendly man
dschie kay: man with hat, interested in what's going on...
dschie kay: without title
dschie kay: wishful thinking
dschie kay: keeping my eye on you
dschie kay: cologne street, yet rough
dschie kay: l'art doit discuter...
dschie kay: looking back
dschie kay: italian shoes
dschie kay: the world in his hands
dschie kay: open minded
dschie kay: tribal dance
dschie kay: the old couple
dschie kay: best possible understanding
dschie kay: lucky couple