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The "Turducken" Project by dc chen
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dc chen
looking up the recipe
dc chen
go shopping!
dc chen
deboning the chicken and duck...
dc chen
deboning the duck
dc chen
the stuffing
dc chen
deboning the turkey
dc chen
making the stuffing
dc chen
sausage stuffing is called for in one of the recipes...
dc chen
tag-teaming with the turkey
dc chen
everything's deboned!
dc chen
put on the first layer of seasoning
dc chen
stuffing for the turkey
dc chen
put on the duck layer
dc chen
a closer look
dc chen
a great family project
dc chen
almost like an artwork
dc chen
family picture!
dc chen
we've finished the stuffing...
dc chen
time to sow it up...
dc chen
probably the most challenging task in the whole proccess
dc chen
Uncle Mark showing his doctor skills
dc chen
"inter-locking" knots
dc chen
how many people does it take to assemble a turduken?
dc chen
final steps
dc chen
tying strings around to "hold" the boneless beast together
dc chen
almost done!
dc chen
put it in a pan and refrigerator and wait for the next day...
dc chen
next day...
dc chen
the feast! (these are just the appetizers)
dc chen
after almost 10 hours in the oven...it's ready!
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