Deb Did It: she regained her strength
Deb Did It: vintage dress with a story
kimhaseightcats: Thanks Joel of @antiquusgoods for dropping these goodies off! The candle smells amazing!!
tartarus120: R0003829
Spitting Doc: Metal!
Sandra Bartocha: reed structures
brookeshaden: the dream that dares us
Little Starling Photography by Lauri: Passing Timpanogos. #timpanogos
Katarina 2353: Lady with a pearl necklace ..:)
Mike Z: Weird Women 680
kimhaseightcats: #tweakingphotosifindonmyphonewhilestuckinaroomwithferalcats #staghornfern
its_mel: #augustbreak2014
Art Conglomeration by Helen A Naylor: I could not find a pattern that I thought you would find interesting so I am giving you an old photo I took last year. #augustbreak2014
kmbled: Recycling!
Sherry Galey: Day 2, August Break, Patterns
skarpi - Erupting Icecap
Mike Z: Francis X Lawrence A Michael A 584
Deb Did It: Have you ever walked away from the rusty, crusty edges of life?
brookeshaden: out of the earth
isayx3: Happy Birthday
A Sketchbook...: Stillness...
chattygd: Skyline