dsam40324: DSC_3677-2R1 Atypical Hummer Shape
dsam40324: DSC_2623-2R1 White Bat Flower (Tacca integrifolia)
dsam40324: DSC_2584-2R1 Up the Tree
dsam40324: DSC_2337-2R1 Hungry Young Grackle Expresses its Anger
dsam40324: DSC_2678-2R1 Scarlett Beebalm (Monarda didyma) with two bumble bees (Bombus impatiens) onboard.
dsam40324: DSC_2897-2R1 Adult Male Eastern Dobsonfly (Corydalus cornutus)
dsam40324: DSC_2764-2R1 Walking the dogs
dsam40324: DSC_9320-2R2 White-tailed deer viewed thru black fencing.
dsam40324: DSC_0377-3R2 Frolicking Horse
dsam40324: DSC_0344-4R2 A Proper Honor.
dsam40324: DSC_1875-2R1 Lake Tahoe Sunset
dsam40324: DSC_1699-2R1 Yosemite Merced River Landscape
dsam40324: DSC_1640-2R1 Reflective viewing
dsam40324: DSC_1636-2R1 Mountain landscape viewed from the Yosemite Village.
dsam40324: DSC_1236-2R1 Artistic Jetski Operator
dsam40324: DSC_1225-2R1 Balloon Shadow
dsam40324: Lake Sonoma Bridge (DSC_0444- 2R1)
dsam40324: DSC_0215-2R1 Seaside Fleabane near an orange lichen.
dsam40324: DSC_0138-2R1 Redwood Grouping
dsam40324: Vineyard Visitor (DSC_0703-2R1)
dsam40324: DSC_7771 (2)-CR1 "Painted" Hummingbird
dsam40324: Oct_30 2004 Wolf Closeup- 2R2
dsam40324: Blue Mushroom- 2R1
dsam40324: Kauai-Spouting Horn Beach 001-2RC
dsam40324: DSC_1934-2R2 Face-off; Great Egret vs. Crocodile
dsam40324: 2R2 Plumed basilisk lizard
dsam40324: DSC_0699-2R2 Cattle Egret
dsam40324: DSC_0659-2R2 Proboscis_bats
dsam40324: IMG_7557-CR2 North American Black Racer
dsam40324: DSC_8803-2R1 Gargoyle on rear side of the Biltmore