dsam40324: DSC_9134 B-R2 Bluebird Anting
dsam40324: DSC_1340-2R2 Maturing Cardinal
dsam40324: DSC_4151 (4)-1R2 Northern Harrier flying low over a downed tree hunting for breakfast.
dsam40324: DSC_4298 (2)-1R2 Western Flicker (red shafted)
dsam40324: DSC_2129-1R2
dsam40324: DSC_2180-1R2
dsam40324: DSC_2390-1R2: Grizzly Bear Dinner
dsam40324: DSC_2817-1R2
dsam40324: DSC_0902 (3)-1R2 Photogenic Moose
dsam40324: DSC_5074 (C)-R2 Northern Flicker
dsam40324: Oct_30 Wolves (11) - 1R2
dsam40324: DSC_2929 (5)-1R2
dsam40324: Denali Park-R2 Moose raises up from bottom feeding
dsam40324: Fly-in salmon trip- Brown Bear 04-R2
dsam40324: Alaska Moose CC-003-R2
dsam40324: DSC_9160-2R2 Mother & Baby Bear 1
dsam40324: DSC_6070-2R2 Eastern Collared Lizard
dsam40324: DSC_3978-1R2
dsam40324: DEC_5666-R2 Where's this rain coming from?
dsam40324: DSC_9269-R2 Chipmunk Suitcase
dsam40324: DSC_7149-2R2 Team of Four Deer Eyes the Photographer
dsam40324: DSC_7723 A-1R Deer eating rhododendron leaf
dsam40324: Yellow-Bellied Sapsucker (Male) DSC_7999 A-R2
dsam40324: DSC_3110 (2)-1R2 Hungry Coyote
dsam40324: DSC_5398-A-R2 Cardinal in a snow decorated Norway Spruce.
dsam40324: DSC_6205-2R Coyote work
dsam40324: Oct_30 (180)-1R2 Elk Attention
dsam40324: DSC_1784 (2)-1R2 Young Elk Resting in Yellowstone
dsam40324: DSC_3416 (3)-1R2 Elk Mother with twins
dsam40324: DSC_9935 B-R2 The Little Bluebird is expecting food from Mom