sometimes drywall: Male Harris Hawk
sometimes drywall: Armed and dangerous
sometimes drywall: Landing on Martha's arm
sometimes drywall: Bird brain
sometimes drywall: Female Harris Hawk
sometimes drywall: Spread... hawk?
sometimes drywall: Piercing gaze
sometimes drywall: Shake your tail feather
sometimes drywall: Like a motorcycle gas tank
sometimes drywall: Majestic gaze
sometimes drywall: Battle of wits
sometimes drywall: Hawk in profile
sometimes drywall: In flight
sometimes drywall: Another headshot
sometimes drywall: Placing the food
sometimes drywall: Coming for the food
sometimes drywall: Reaching for the food
sometimes drywall: Taking the food
sometimes drywall: Balanced
sometimes drywall: Perfection
sometimes drywall: All business