sometimes drywall: Sunrise over the city
sometimes drywall: Hint of sun
sometimes drywall: It's a pretty big needle
sometimes drywall: Romanesque
sometimes drywall: A quiet spot
sometimes drywall: St. Cecilia
sometimes drywall: Why do I like this
sometimes drywall: Courtyard
sometimes drywall: Looming over the plaza
sometimes drywall: Reaching heavenward
sometimes drywall: Stark Hermitage
sometimes drywall: Peering at the Hermitage
sometimes drywall: DSC_0314
sometimes drywall: Composed
sometimes drywall: Lush growth
sometimes drywall: Deep blue sky
sometimes drywall: Mediterreanean Stereotype
sometimes drywall: Golden Arches?
sometimes drywall: I just love stairs
sometimes drywall: Looking up
sometimes drywall: ...sigh...
sometimes drywall: Downtown
sometimes drywall: Belltower base
sometimes drywall: Note: I didn't saturate in post
sometimes drywall: DSC_0233
sometimes drywall: So pleasant it hurt
sometimes drywall: The whole town looks like this