dryodora: Bumblebee!
dryodora: Bumblebee!
dryodora: Bumblebee!
dryodora: DSC_2206
dryodora: DSC_2204
dryodora: LED down the garden path
dryodora: Seed Pods
dryodora: Purple peppers
dryodora: Dang...
dryodora: Wildflowers
dryodora: Wildflowers
dryodora: The attack of the killer tomatoes
dryodora: Big tomatoes
dryodora: The attack of the killer tomatoes!
dryodora: A bumper harvest
dryodora: I can't keep up!
dryodora: Mmmm... sundried tomatoes (Kinda)
dryodora: Grow!!
dryodora: Yummy!
dryodora: P3220366
dryodora: P3220365
dryodora: P3220364
dryodora: Whew!
dryodora: Whew!
dryodora: Net productivity!
dryodora: Long shot
dryodora: Early Harvest
dryodora: Gonna make salsa!
dryodora: Bancony Gardening
dryodora: My tomatoez... let me show you them!