drvp: hop hop hopping down the bunny trail
drvp: seriously I tried to put a shirt on that kid
drvp: mountain girl violet
drvp: mommy and Nellie
drvp: nell and viw at bonneville hot springs
drvp: pool right by the river
drvp: nellie soaking
drvp: Papa and vie
drvp: pano of bonneville hot springs
drvp: Pipilatamus maximus loves raw food
drvp: papa and nellie
drvp: the famdamily
drvp: easter picnic
drvp: pippy watches
drvp: the girls soak
drvp: the top layer is almost scalding
drvp: the best easter ever at the hot springs
drvp: nellie found the first egg
drvp: run run nellie
drvp: 100_3501
drvp: 100_3500
drvp: so the easter bunny left hem a present after a mile hike in to the springs
drvp: reach
drvp: nellie had to change into her easter dress
drvp: My little hiker
drvp: Beautiful
drvp: troopers