drukelly: Mom, Me, Sis and Justin
drukelly: Darlene and I
drukelly: Reading the birthday cards
drukelly: Reading more birthday cards
drukelly: Mom, Justin and Sis
drukelly: Me
drukelly: Happy Birthday to me!
drukelly: Reading Darlene's card
drukelly: Funny and cheesy card
drukelly: Showing Ma the card that Darlene got me
drukelly: Reading it some more :)
drukelly: Opening Darlene's present
drukelly: Magic Mouse!
drukelly: What Tita Noemie and Tito Len got me
drukelly: Now that's a burger
drukelly: Happy Birthday to me!
drukelly: Dorky look on my face
drukelly: Make a wish!