Jonathan Rashad: CSF vehicle on fire - Tahrir Battle
Jonathan Rashad: The Warzone - Tahrir Uprising
Jonathan Rashad: Injuries... Tahrir Battle
Jonathan Rashad: Tahrir Square - November 25, 2011
Jonathan Rashad: Million-man protest - Tahrir Square - November 25, 2011
Jonathan Rashad: Tahrir Battle
Jonathan Rashad: Shells of police bullets - The Second Egyptian Uprising
Jonathan Rashad: CSF officer firing bullets at protesters in Mohamed Mahmoud st.
Jonathan Rashad: Conscript's uniform taken by protesters
Jonathan Rashad: The battlefront
Jonathan Rashad: Protesters protect others praying while the battle continues ahead
Jonathan Rashad: The Second Egyptian Uprising
Jonathan Rashad: CSF firing teargas at protesters
Jonathan Rashad: The Second Egyptian Uprising
Jonathan Rashad: The Second Egyptian Uprising
Jonathan Rashad: The Second Egyptian Uprising
Jonathan Rashad: The battlefront
Jonathan Rashad: Teargas canister and bullet casings
Jonathan Rashad: Injuries at the field hospital - The Second Egyptian Uprising
Jonathan Rashad: Injuries at the field hospital - The Second Egyptian Uprising
Jonathan Rashad: The Second Egyptian Uprising
Jonathan Rashad: The Second Egyptian Uprising
Jonathan Rashad: Tahrir square
Jonathan Rashad: The Second Egyptian Uprising
Jonathan Rashad: The Second Egyptian Uprising
Jonathan Rashad: The Second Egyptian Uprising
Jonathan Rashad: CR teargas
Jonathan Rashad: CR teargas canister and bullet casings
Jonathan Rashad: Injuries at the field hospital
Jonathan Rashad: Mohamed Mahmoud street