drumthwacket: Scotian Ironworks
drumthwacket: Better Than Her Boutique
drumthwacket: Dessert at The Wooden Monkey
drumthwacket: Bank of Nova Scotia
drumthwacket: Bank of Nova Scotia
drumthwacket: Bank of Nova Scotia
drumthwacket: CSS Acadia
drumthwacket: Old Dutch potato chips
drumthwacket: Hawkins Cheezies corn snacks
drumthwacket: Joseph Howe
drumthwacket: Cenotaph, Grand Parade, Halifax
drumthwacket: Munit haec et altera vincit
drumthwacket: Saul, Saul, why persecutest thou me?
drumthwacket: The men traveling with Saul stood there speechless
drumthwacket: And he received sight forthwith
drumthwacket: Ananias and Saul
drumthwacket: The Light of the World by William Holman Hunt
drumthwacket: Everlasting joy shall be unto them
drumthwacket: Two Grecian Urns
drumthwacket: Everlasting joy
drumthwacket: Languid and bittersweet
drumthwacket: Love's drapery
drumthwacket: Peace's feet
drumthwacket: Abide with us: for it is toward evening
drumthwacket: And the day is far spent
drumthwacket: Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men
drumthwacket: Simon and Andrew, fishermen
drumthwacket: Jesus's feet by the sea of Galilee