drumthwacket: Saint George and the Dragon
drumthwacket: Stand and serve before the Glory of the Lord
drumthwacket: Cherub standing on a wheel
drumthwacket: Peace windows, wheel-standing (bottom third)
drumthwacket: Angel bearing lilies and a torch
drumthwacket: Drapery, feet, and plant (bottom third of window)
drumthwacket: Orans Posture Angel
drumthwacket: In loving memory of Ann C. Switzer & Lewis Switzer
drumthwacket: Angel bearing a frond
drumthwacket: Jeweled angels
drumthwacket: Consider the lilies of the field
drumthwacket: The lilies under consideration
drumthwacket: Tiffany pulpit
drumthwacket: Annunciation
drumthwacket: He is not here: for he is risen
drumthwacket: Vincent de Paul
drumthwacket: Pulpit
drumthwacket: Unidentified monk
drumthwacket: Domestic Arts & Hobbies
drumthwacket: Ziggurat