Dr T, Msc.: view from balcony
Dr T, Msc.: plan de l'homme mugshots
Dr T, Msc.: plan de l'homme
Dr T, Msc.: view from plan de l'homme
Dr T, Msc.: peak from roc de fer
Dr T, Msc.: roc de fer shadow
Dr T, Msc.: roc de fer
Dr T, Msc.: view from grand duc
Dr T, Msc.: view from top of the grand duc
Dr T, Msc.: joe on the grand duc
Dr T, Msc.: peak from grand duc
Dr T, Msc.: johns massive legs
Dr T, Msc.: joe idolises sophie and rachel
Dr T, Msc.: colin approaches
Dr T, Msc.: simon and john looking content
Dr T, Msc.: matt and steves
Dr T, Msc.: surprise lunch
Dr T, Msc.: joe and jerusalem
Dr T, Msc.: john kicks back
Dr T, Msc.: colin channels tommy cooper
Dr T, Msc.: posing on jerusalem
Dr T, Msc.: kicking back on the pas du lac
Dr T, Msc.: random mountain
Dr T, Msc.: steve giving it yellow
Dr T, Msc.: glare from the rond point
Dr T, Msc.: sundown at the rond point
Dr T, Msc.: sunset
Dr T, Msc.: late afternoon view from balcony
Dr T, Msc.: where's simon?