DrTebi: 1965 Cadillac Coupe de Ville
DrTebi: 1965 Cadillac Coupe de Ville
DrTebi: 1965 Cadillac Coupe de Ville.
DrTebi: Golden Gate Bridge
DrTebi: Golden Gate Bridge with Fort Point in the foreground
DrTebi: Lady S and DrTebi at the Golden Gate Bridge
DrTebi: Lady S and DrTebi at Golden Gate Bridge.
DrTebi: Golden Gate Bridge from Fort Point
DrTebi: Lady S at Fort Point
DrTebi: Riding down Lombard Street
DrTebi: Riding down Lombard Street
DrTebi: Lombard Street
DrTebi: Axel at Union Square, San Francisco
DrTebi: Coit Tower, San Francisco
DrTebi: Lady S and DrTebi at Coit Tower, San Francisco
DrTebi: Cruising through San Francisco
DrTebi: Lady S ensuring we don't get lost, ever
DrTebi: Sexy boys and their Cadillac.
DrTebi: Sexy girl and her ocean.
DrTebi: California Coast
DrTebi: The Team
DrTebi: Trying to beat the self-timer
DrTebi: Breakfast at Campground
DrTebi: Breakfast at Campground
DrTebi: One of our Campgrounds.
DrTebi: Explosion, fire? We never found out.
DrTebi: Alternative Energy in 1992
DrTebi: 92-Slides-1-36
DrTebi: Not sure which lake...
DrTebi: Ready for some sun.