drspam: i feel like i should be listening to angelo badalamenti or something
drspam: maybe it's not a big deal, but it sure seems like it
drspam: much more interesting close up
drspam: yeah i swing both ways
drspam: we bring you the awesome
drspam: the sweetest of the transition metals
drspam: i suppose your robot antennae are pretty cool
drspam: it has to come from somewhere
drspam: it's not deadly, but it might as well be
drspam: lashed down
drspam: chandelier2
drspam: metal slide up close
drspam: life imitates CG
drspam: syriana
drspam: firework
drspam: tin roof rusted
drspam: 2000 tiny wars to be fought, 2000 tiny victories to be had
drspam: he was one of the first to fall
drspam: opera house triptych
drspam: it depends on your direction
drspam: creeping
drspam: the future is boring
drspam: i wish everything could break this spectacularly
drspam: they don't look so smarte to me.
drspam: i guess it has a lot of owners
drspam: come my brothers, let us shudder and stick like no shopper has ever endured before!
drspam: total macro porn